Soaring Above With Global Reach

eHawk Global is a newly formed agricultural farm management company with a substantial digital footprint in electronic based services to include the commodities exchange licensing located in Puerto Rico. Our products and services are laser focused on empowering the individual farmer and agriculture co-ops to join use in the establishment of a highly competitive Agricultural Service Platform (ASP) that is unique to the Caribbean and emerging farm production in the United States. We support all aspects of farming to include outdoor, traditional, hydroponics, green-houses, and innovative crop technologies.


Our programs, products and services are uniquely designed to address the roller coaster effects of our economic landscape that impacts all levels of society. We intend to work together with you by creating a benchmark for success. Let us take time to reflect and embrace our heritage, traditions, and Ways of Working (WoW’s) that stimulates dialogue for real change.

Innovative Agricultural Tools and Techniques